Payment for our services is expected on the day of treatment. We accept Cash, Debit, American Express, Mastercard or Visa.

Dental insurance is a confidential contract between you and your insurance company. The privacy laws have made it increasingly difficult for our dental office to obtain information from your insurance company. Thus your insurance company will reimburse you directly for your payments.
As a service to you, we will prepare your dental claim forms and forward them to your insurance company. Many insurance companies are able to accept electronic invoicing, and thus you will usually receive a reimbursement cheque within 7 to 10 days.
In order to prepare your dental claim forms we need to have the following:
• Name of the employer
• Name and date of birth for the subscriber
• Name of the insurance company
• Identification number (ID) associated with the policy
• Policy number
Prior to proceeding with any treatment, we will be happy to discuss our fees, request pre-authorization from your insurance provider and answer any questions regarding dental insurance. The following answers would be helpful in estimating your financial responsibilities.
• What are the percentages for basic procedures?
• Yearly maximum amount? For the family or individual?
• Is there a deductible?
• How often your child is allowed recall examinations, cleanings and/or scaling?
Healthy Kids
A government sponsored program that helps middle and low income families with the costs of basic dental care. Eligible clients include dependent children under 19 years of age who receive Medical Services Plan (MSP) premium assistance through the Ministry of Health Services. The program provides $1400 every two years for basic dental care for your child. If your child requires a general anesthetic and is older than 2 and younger than 10 years of age, this program will pay for the cost of the facility fee at a private surgical centre.
We can look up your child's eligibility with his/her CareCard number.
If your child is eligible for basic dental care, the portion of our fees that is covered by Healthy Kids will be billed directly to the Healthy Kids Program. Any fees not covered by the program will be your responsibility and payment for our services is expected on the day of treatment.
Prior to proceeding with any treatment, we will be happy to discuss our fees, answer any questions regarding the Healthy Kids program and discuss the fees that you might be responsible for.
Persons with Disabilities - Community Living BC – information for adults with special needs
We will do everything possible to see you and your child in a timely manner. Occassionally, a child may require extra time. Should this occur we will give you an indication as soon as possible as your time is valuable to us. Please be assured that we will spend the appropriate amount of time with your child as well.
As a courtesy we are requesting that you provide a minimum of 48 hours notice if an appointment needs to be changed. This will allow us enough time to notify another family that an appointment has been made available. A fee will be applied to your account for last minute cancellations.